The most Bricklins we've ever seen in one place

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No, we're not talking about what happens when Malcolm gets together with the rest of the clan, but it is a family gathering of sorts. The Bricklin SV-1, Bricklin's 1970s stab at a safety GT, of course has a cult following. How could you deny the coolness of these low-slung, gullwing-door, V8 coupes? This weekend, in the North Central Massachusetts hamlet of Leominster, about 40 SV-1s are expected, along with Malcolm Bricklin and the man responsible for the styling, Herb Grasse, for the Bricklin International Owner's Club's 2007 Bricklin International Gathering East. The cars have been trickling in to town all day, and we managed to snap a few shots at the hotel this evening. We'll be going back, armed with more photo and video gear on Saturday, so these quick shots are just to whet your appetite. There will be more SV-1s present, and likely several DeLoreans when we go back, and next year, both marques are teaming up to have an extravaganza in Gettysburg, PA. If you like your iconoclastic GTs shaped like doorstops, don't miss it!

Thanks for the heads up, Toby!

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