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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jim1191 Posted - April 02 2022 : 11:49:50
Finally that time of year again. Took my car out today to a C&C.
Over a thousand cars. 0ver 30 Ferraris alone.

The attention the Bricklin gets is amazing.
A Great time was had!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Guy Posted - April 16 2022 : 21:37:07
Great looking car Jim. Hey Joe, looking forward to sharing pics on the forum when you start your car. Doubt I'll finish in time for the 50th. But I may finish as early as three years. we'll see.
go2toa Posted - April 14 2022 : 16:32:51
Nice depth of field
joec Posted - April 12 2022 : 16:39:43
Some great photographic talent, and a very nice subject.

Just 2 weeks left in the school year and I hope to be able to get back to 0848, but my bar is set way lower than this!
mb75 Posted - April 02 2022 : 15:35:09
Jim, what a nice car you have. Love the color. Looks like it was a great day to show it off!

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