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 New Bricklinalia item: Bricklin shot glasses

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sjzukrow Posted - May 17 2013 : 19:04:36
We've got a new Bricklinalia item: Bricklin shot glasses.

1.5 ounces made of real glass with a Bricklin on one side and the logo on the other.

These are available in all five standard Bricklin colors. We encountered a printing issue so we've even got a sixth color: cream.

They're $10 apiece or $40 for a complete set of all six. The cream colored ones are just $5.

US shipping is $2.50 for a single glass, $5.50 for the set of six. Shipping to you folks in Canada is $9.00 for a single glass, $15.00 for the set. Other countries: $13.00 for one glass, $23.00 for a set.

Save on shipping by grabbing them at the meet. Bottoms up!

PayPal to or snail mail checks made out to Bricklin International to

%Stuart Zukrow
39401 Helena Avenue
Sterling Heights, MI 48313-5521

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
brick75 Posted - May 31 2013 : 23:25:13

Ah, we will be on Canuck soil so bring me a set Stuart.


gulwing1 Posted - May 22 2013 : 13:50:22
Couldn't wait. My set of shot glasses arrived today. Really COOL!!!
Now so the shot glasses are accurate does that mean we need to introduce a new cream colored Bricklin?
jim1191 Posted - May 19 2013 : 19:52:26
sjzukrow Posted - May 19 2013 : 11:22:21
Yes and yes.
bmadu Posted - May 18 2013 : 21:15:54
Will they be available for purchase at the show in London and will any other club items be available?


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