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 New Bricklin key rings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sjzukrow Posted - July 30 2013 : 19:15:44
Bricklinalia has a new style of key rings. One side has the car, the other side has the Bricklin logo and stylized "B". Printed on rubberized plastic. Available in all five Bricklin colors.

And don't forget, we've still got a limited quantity of the old key rings with the leather fobs and a gold car. While they last.

New key rings are $8 each. Old ones are $10. Add $1 for domestic shipping, $1.50 to Canada, $2 overseas.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gulwings Posted - August 03 2013 : 07:02:59
... of course I meant "Interac email transfer"...

brick75 Posted - August 02 2013 : 19:12:19

I vote Stuart Z for President...if he could figure out our road signs and temperature and speak a little french, Prime Minister!

Can you please email me also the fobs SZ?

sjzukrow Posted - August 02 2013 : 13:01:56
Originally posted by Gulwings

is that a working solution?

Yup. And I'll email the key rings.
Gulwings Posted - August 01 2013 : 19:24:19
... yup, I need all of them too (like Matt) and an extra white one...

I'll email transfer the cash... is that a working solution?

Mike P
sjzukrow Posted - July 31 2013 : 13:11:46
Yeah, I haven't updated the online Bricklinalia page in years. Write in works.
laz Posted - July 31 2013 : 11:37:27
Is the ordering info at current? The price list stamped 2006 is giving me doubts ;) I assume a write in works?
sjzukrow Posted - July 30 2013 : 20:03:53
Originally posted by matt_vaq136

Is there a discount for those of us who would like a full set of the new style?

I guess I can help a little. How about $35 for the set of five with no additional shipping charge?
matt_vaq136 Posted - July 30 2013 : 19:24:31
Is there a discount for those of us who would like a full set of the new style?

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