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 Bricklin documentation on a flash drive

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sjzukrow Posted - July 23 2012 : 19:20:54

As some of you may be aware, there has been an ongoing effort to collect Bricklin documentation and make it available to you in a single resource. This project has been going on for two years. It is essentially an improved, expanded and updated version of the CD ROM collection created by John Martin and Richard Potter a decade ago.

What's improved? Anyone that has the Bricklin Service Manual has noticed the pictures are missing. I have heard two explanations for this: the manual was rushed out before they had a chance to include pictures or AMC would not relinquish the rights. Regardless of the reason, the manual is full of empty boxes over captions. It is still useful but not as useful as it would be if pictures were present.

The manual closely follows some AMC manuals and recently, one of our club members, Mark Stayton, took the time to determine what pictures go where and insert pictures into the Bricklin Service Manual. It was a huge undertaking and I can see why it took 38 years for someone to do this but we finally have an illustrated manual. A few pictures could not be found. A few were recreated. Ultimately, 97% of the pictures were found and inserted. The Electrical and Transmission chapters were expanded with sections from the AMC manuals since portions also pertained to Bricklins. Check out the before and after sample pages below.

Another improvement was made in the Bricklines. John Blair provided digital versions of the magazine going all the way back to when he took over as editor in October, 1997. These documents are the same as those sent to the printer so they are crystal clear and string searchable. Original color pictures are included instead of the black and white ones used in the printed version. A few early issues inadvertently missing from the old CD ROM set were tracked down and added.

Loads of new stuff has been added. During the early days, there were regional Bricklin clubs and many published their own magazines. 141 magazines from 11 different regions from John Martin's and my own personal collections have been scanned. Company brochures, posters, flyers and other literature have been included. Bricklin Vehicle Incorporated produced three issues of a company newsletter as well as a dealer newsletter, numerous press releases, letters, forms, notices and diagrams.

All 18 newsletters from the Organization of Bricklin Owners (OBO) are included as well as a cumulative index and a bunch of Christmas newsletters.

Several handy third party documents that are relevant to Bricklin owners were added including an AMC Service Bulletin, the Bricklin Turner Engine manual, the Rinshed-Mason Paint Codes, a Ford Service Bulletin, and the York Compressor manual.

A few things have been brought up to date since the CD ROM version was created. We're up to 149 Brickline issues through October, 2012 and the article index has been updated (Thanks to Efrain Nadal).

All Bricklin manuals are present including the Bricklin Service Manual, 1975 Bricklin Service Manual Supplement, the 1974/1975 Parts Catalog, Owners manuals for 1974 (both printings), 1975 and 1976, all 14 Technical Service Bulletins, both Dealer Lists, the Price List, the Labor Time Manual, the Radio manual, and two versions of the Parts Cross reference. We even had room for a couple videos. Windows and MacIntosh versions of The Bricklin Story the movie created by Malcolm to lure potential investors into contributing to his company and Turning Points of History - Bricklin the fine documentary that aired on the Canadian history channel.

Custom 4GB flash drives with the club name and Bricklin logo were made for this project. Files are PDF version 5.0 which can be read and printed through the free downloadable Adobe Reader.

Bricklinalia ( is selling these for $150 with free shipping worldwide. That's quite a bargain when you look at the priceless collection you get. It would take years of searching and a pretty fat wallet to acquire everything. I know firsthand because a significant portion came from my personal collection and my wallet took plenty of hits.

I know there are some old codgers reading this who don't know a flash drive from a flash cube. If you fall into that category but you'd like an old fashioned printed copy of the newly illustrated Bricklin Service Manual, I've got a few of those too. They're $US40 plus shipping ($5.15 within USA, $12.95 to Canada, $16.95 for the rest of the world).
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sjzukrow Posted - January 01 2019 : 11:17:06
Happy New Year, everyone. Volume 43 Number 4 went out 30-December. Contact me if you failed to receive it.
sjzukrow Posted - September 27 2018 : 20:10:01
Volume 43 Number 3 was sent three days ago. Contact me if you bought the flash drive and got missed.
sjzukrow Posted - August 31 2017 : 12:22:13
Another update covering the last four issues went out Tuesday. If you're supposed to receive one and didn't, check your spam. Still not there? Contact me.
sjzukrow Posted - May 25 2016 : 08:29:50
April update went out 23-May. Let me know if you did not receive yours.
sjzukrow Posted - February 19 2016 : 16:22:41
January update went out 12-February.
sjzukrow Posted - October 05 2015 : 09:34:10
The update for October was emailed Thursday 1-October. Let me know of you are on the list but failed to receive your copy.
sjzukrow Posted - July 26 2015 : 09:53:00
The July 2015 flash drive update went out Friday. Please contact me if you feel you should have received it.
sjzukrow Posted - February 12 2015 : 10:50:40
January 2015 went out a few days ago. Contact me if you failed to receive your update.
sjzukrow Posted - October 19 2014 : 08:29:00
The October 2014 update went out Friday.
sjzukrow Posted - July 24 2014 : 13:21:11
Update #8 was released 21-July. Contact me if you did not receive yours.

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