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 Hats, Golf shirts and Sweat shirts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sjzukrow Posted - February 20 2014 : 13:30:34
I will be placing an order to restock Bricklinalia hats, golf shirts and sweat shirts in a few days and I thought I'd take this opportunity to see if anyone has any special requests.

Normally, we get items in the five standard Bricklin colors and common sizes. We don't normally stock sweat shirts since they're not very popular but I'm willing to order some if I know someone will buy them. All I ask is that you buy what you ask me to order. Bricklinalia doesn't want to get stuck with a XXXXXL shirt with a purple Bricklin.

Now's your chance to get what you want. The embroiderer is willing to make single items in any size/color. Contact me via email in the next few days and tell me what you'd like.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JerryM Posted - February 20 2014 : 19:35:21
Stewart, How about ordering some "embroidered iron on Bricklin patches" similar in appearance to the ones found on the BI sweatshirts and shirts. This way we can iron or sew it onto our favorite Bricklin wearing apparel. They can range in sizes from 3" for caps and shirts or even undergarments to larger 8" ones for the backs of jackets or Hooded Sweatshirts.

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