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 2015 Bricklin National Meet

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sjzukrow Posted - August 17 2014 : 21:39:49
Harrisburg.Hershey, PA.
Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey
4650 Lindle Rd.
Harrisburg, PA 17111

$116.00 per night for a room, including a Breakfast Buffet at the Dog and Pony in the hotel. Hershey Park is less than 10 miles away and the hotel is right off of the Interstate. Registration code to be released soon.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gulwing1 Posted - August 07 2015 : 21:43:47
Go to this Facebook page and scroll down about 1/3 of the way to an album I posted yesterday on the meet. I have pictures of every car except one.

Hope you enjoy

play8o9 Posted - August 07 2015 : 00:06:51
I should have at least one photo of every car there.
Jerry_Sheahan Posted - August 06 2015 : 13:39:05
Great pictures, thanks for posting. Does anyone have some pictures of the blue car that was at the show or know who's car it is? That is close to the color I would like to paint mine and I would love to see some better pictures of the whole car.
Dpenn1 Posted - August 06 2015 : 11:59:45
I took some pictures at the meet, uploaded the pictures to
quiltlady Posted - June 22 2015 : 14:56:43
Get your cars ready, and make sure to bring them to Hershey. Remember this is a special meet, the 40th anniversary of our club. We should have as many car's attending this meet as possible. The trophey's and shirts are really special this year. If you attend the meet this year, the next time you eat a Hershey bar you will think of a Bricklin! FYI if you havent paid for the meet reg. and activities PLEASE DO SO ASAP!!!!!
See you in Hershey Art Z and Joe V
jim1191 Posted - June 22 2015 : 10:11:18
The annual national meet is fast approaching.
For those who have attended in the past you're aware of the Saturday night banquet and a part of the evening is a very entertaining auction. The proceeds help support the club and has historically helped keep the club in the black. I'm reaching out to those here to donate items for the auction. Items can be Bricklin related or not. If you are planning to attend the meet just bring something you'd like to support the club with. If you're not attending and would like to donate an item for the auction you can contact me here.
play8o9 Posted - June 20 2015 : 19:55:16
I am sure we all have stuff that we have acquired over the years that we no longer need or decided not to install. Maybe we should start another topic for needed parts to be brought to the meet.
jim1191 Posted - June 18 2015 : 15:10:28
Anyone bringing parts to sell or trade?
Steve_Ickes Posted - November 04 2014 : 18:26:19
Just made our reservations. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Hershey.
steve_edgar Posted - October 27 2014 : 15:33:44
Jeez Choppy, get your priorities straight. LOL! Jo-Ann and I will be there with 846. Look for the Facebook Event I posted today on the Bricklin Owner's group.

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