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 2022 Bricklin International Eastern Meet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Steve_Ickes Posted - January 03 2022 : 22:04:13
Is a 2022 BI Eastern Meet being planned. If so, is there any information available.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
joec Posted - January 06 2022 : 10:30:05
This is from Mark Bricklin in latest Brickline V6 N3 Nov 2021

Details are still not dialed in and I have only heard rumors and I am prepared to share them... it looks like a meet will take place in or near Corning, NY which is located in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, very close to Watkins Glen. A Meet took place here
in July 2004 - its a beautiful area! I heard conversation the meet will take place in mid-late June rather than in mid-July but I really am out of the loop. As soon as this is dialed in, details will be posted on Facebook, emailed to members whose email addresses we have and the registration form and details will publish in the Brickline in February.
kerry4951 Posted - January 03 2022 : 22:08:06
I heard its going to be some where in NY, with several areas being looked at. Thats all I heard

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