I have seen a few things on Facebook, but is there a formal event being planned for the 50th at the factory in Saint John?
Would it be 2024 (74 tart of production)
That would give me a hard deadline to get 0848 together for a road trip
JoeC 0848 "Pinky"
jim1191 Not Registered with BI or E-Mail mis-match
BI Vice President
1975 Posts
Posted - September 11 2021 : 02:38:33
Im personally not aware of a scheduled Back to the Nest planned event @ the 50th yet It was.and has been suggested in the past on . or for anniversary dates Volunteering to host a meet in any town is always welcomed by the club. Its a non profit org and is solely reliant on volunteers. Im not on Facebook so I cant address what you have read there.